Structure And Ways Of Writing A Short Essay

Essay writing is nothing new for a students. There are different types of essay, and you might encounter any of them. But, what is a short essay? Students ask this question across all levels. You will know that an article has a specified structure, and your instructor provides the word count within which you need to wrap up the write-up. Also, the structure of an essay is similar irrespective of the type. So, how is a short essay different? The following section will help you understand the meaning of the term.

What Is A Short Essay?

It is essential to understand and keep your essay within the specified number of words. A short essay asks you to put in all the ideas and wrap them up within 200 to 500 words. It follows all the other basics of an article. You will not see any difference in a short essay format, but the ideas need to be presented in a lesser number of words. You will be able to master any project if you can write a flawless short essay. It is not easy to write one. You need to provide all relevant information along with your views within the limited words. The following section will help you understand the structure of the essay.

4 Major Components Of Short Essay

You will come across a lot of short essay examples online. It will help you learn that such an essay is divided into five paragraphs. Like any other essay, you need to provide an introduction (one paragraph), body (three sections), and conclusion (one paragraph). Mentioned below are the four major components of a short essay.


You are well acquainted with this term if you have attempted essays in your academic career. The concept of an introduction is the same in the case of this type. You need to make the readers aware of what will follow in the following few parts of the essay. Also, it is essential to grab the attention of the readers from the beginning. Hence, writing a good introduction is necessary. You will learn the importance of this section in the initial days. Remember that, and apply the same method while writing a short essay.


A significant part that defines the essay is the thesis. You will come across the term thesis statement while preparing for a project or assignment. The thesis, in this case, is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The information will make the readers aware of the central point of the essay. You need to put in a lot of effort to write this statement. The readers must be able to relate to the whole write-up after going through this sentence. It is one of the unique characteristics of a short essay and makes it different from a typical essay.


The whole explanation, research and your views need to be presented in this section. Generally, there are three paragraphs in the body of such articles. You need to divide the points within these three paragraphs. This section must complement the thesis statement. You need to be careful and build up a link between the thesis and the body. Your grades will also depend on how well you present this section.


The conclusion will have the final analysis of the topic. You need to be aware of the points to be written in conclusion. It is not necessary to extend the discussion from the last part in this section. The readers must understand and be able to differentiate each section. It depends on how well you know the importance of these sections. The conclusion is where you end the discussion and give an overview of what you have written in the piece.

These are the four primary sections of a short essay. You will learn more about it once you start writing. But, you also need to know how to write a short essay. The following section will help you with it.

5 Tips To Write A Good Short Essay

You need to know the correct ways of writing a short essay to score well. Most students try to complete the task faster and end up making a lot of mistakes. The following five tips will help you write the paper correctly and score good grades as well.

Choose a comfortable topic

You will get a chance to choose the topic for your essay. Students think of impressing the instructor by choosing a complicated topic. It might help you impress the instructor, but you will not score well if you can’t justify it. You need to understand that the grades depend on how well you explain the points. So, it is better to choose a topic you are comfortable with.

Research well

An essay, project or assignment depends on how well you justify your points and provide relevant information. A short essay will also need you to gather relevant information to support your views. The instructor will be impressed if you do the hard work and find out the correct data about the topic you chose.

Frame an outline

If you go through some short essay examples, you will understand the way to approach the essay. So, after you have gathered the relevant data, you need to put them in each section properly. Framing an outline will help you segregate the points into each section and justify them.


The outline will help you write the essay faster. You can see the difference once you follow the step. While you write, you must keep in mind the grammar and consider using simple sentences.

Proofread and edit

A vital step most students ignore is proofreading and editing. You are not required to write much in a short essay. So, the attention to minor mistakes is more in these cases. Your instructor will not tolerate any error. You can avoid the situation and recheck the copy before you submit it. It will help you identify minor mistakes and rectify them before submitting the final document.

These five tips will help you write such papers quickly. You must follow each of these tips to score well in your paper. Also, you need to be careful with the word limit and complete the essay within the specified word count.

Need Assistance With Short Essays? Contact Us For The Right Help

We at UniAssignmentHelps – UAE strive to help students from all levels. Students have put their trust in us, and we have been able to help them out whenever they have asked. We are a globally recognized service provider with features like:

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These features have put us apart from the rest. So, if you are having trouble writing an essay, or understanding a complex topic, give us a call, and we will be happy to help.

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